In the retail world, where competition is fiercest, customer satisfaction is key to business growth.
Aitek design supermarket, shopping-centre and in-store solutions that meet all your security, communication and customer liaison needs. We strive to help you improve your sales processes by delivering shopping experience that meets consumer expectations.
Un-guarded accesses and parking lots together with the potential risk of assault discourage supermarket and shopping-centre customers.
AiVu video-security platform is best suited to the efficient and secure management of large department stores or shopping centres. Our well-proven, bespoke video-management solutions help you gain full control over sales-areas, warehouses, restricted areas and more. User-friendly access to live and recordings saves time when it comes to reconstructing events or identifying offenders.Strengths
- Improving sale-areas protection and the perception of security, while enforcing privacy
- 24/7 video-monitoring in HD
- Setting of video-camera patrols for 24/7 remote and unmanned monitoring
- User-friendly selection and download of recordings for event reconstruction
- Fast ROI in security by containing theft, shop-lifting and improving efficiency
In order to protect sale-areas and support your business to the fullest, a wide range of video-analytics functionalities integrate AiVu video-security platform.
Aitek’s tracking and motion detection software modules help you detect in-store customer flows, intrusion into restricted-areas, unattended/removed items, over-crowding, smoke and more. Also, Aitek’s video systems helps you optimize your in-store organization. Some examples? Our solutions are able to pick up on empty shelves and out-of-stock goods, cash-desk queues. They also generate heat maps that identify customer flows for in-store departments and offer a wealth of other features especially meant to inform your sale strategies.Strengths
- Custom-made, modular video-analytics solutions that meet all your security needs
- Real-time detection of in-store and in-shopping centre threats, both in and out of opening times
- Automatic forwarding of alarms and relevant recordings to the control centre and to hand-held devices of security staff
- Reduced turn-around response times
- In-store analytics that optimizes organization and boosts your marketing impact
- Identifying customer behaviour patterns and in-store heat-mapping
Digital Signage is your best option for trendy and appealing store layouts and engaging communication.
TVIP is a well-proven platform for display-mediated in-store advertising and infotainment. Interactive totems and touch screens enhance in-store customer experience by providing a range of such added-value services as checking in-stock goods, their positioning within each department, offers and more besides! Customer liaison services inform intelligent business strategies, including identifying your target and their products and departments of interest.Strengths
- Creating and managing of Digital Signage networks inside stores and shopping centres
- Branding-focused graphic layout
- Supports all display types
- Dynamic, eye-catching contents via effective, high-impact advertising
- Broadcasts bespoke contents targeted according to location of in-store displays
- Touch-screen and interactive totem management for quality customer services, e-catalogues, digital shop window displays, etc