Aitek aim to create new business opportunities by supporting and partnering with major trade associations


The START 4.0 association is one of the eight Competence Centres established as a public-private partnership following the 29/01/2018 decree of Ministry of Economic Development. START 4.0 aims to promote technological and digital development and the creation of advanced skills in the industrial sector, as well as to promote the transfer of technological solutions and innovation in production processes. The composition of the START 4.0 Competence Centre involves 5 public entities, 10 large companies and 23 SMEs.


General Confederation of Italian Industry – Fabrizio Ferrari, CEO at Aitek S.p.A., holds the position of Vice-President of Confindustria Genova.

SIIT Liguria Consortium- Distretto Tecnologico Ligure sui Sistemi Intelligenti Integrati

Liguria’s technological district focused on intelligent and integrated systems.


T.R.A.N.S.I.T. research and innovation pole (Technology and Research on Security and Transport Intermodality).

DIXET Genova

Dixet, il distretto dell’Elettronica e delle Tecnologie Avanzate, costituitosi a Genova nel febbraio del 2001, raggruppa oltre 110 aziende di cui oltre l’80% è rappresentato da piccole e medie imprese che operano nei settori dell’elettronica, robotica, meccatronica, informatica, telecomunicazione e biomedicale.

TECNOMAR Consortium

Consorzio di piccole e medie imprese costituito per promuovere progetti di ricerca, innovazione e formazione nei settori delle tecnologie navali della difesa, della cantieristica navale e del monitoraggio, bonifica e sicurezza dell’ambiente marino.


The “Polo SOSIA” main mission is to stimulate industry innovation in Liguria Region, encouraging intensive interaction, the use of shared installation, the exchange of knowledge and experiences and the technology transfer, operating in the “Intelligent Automation” area.

We are committed to creating opportunities for the advancement of research and the sharing of knowledge.