Easy and secure access to video streams
AiVu-Client D is the software for viewing on monitors video streams coming from cameras of a video surveillance system.
AiVu-Client D is meant for accessing streams from remote workstations and it allows displaying images on monitors in “full screen” or “multi screen” modes, up to 64 full-HD video cameras at the same time.
AiVu-Client D can be installed in a 19’’ rack or in a desktop PC, and it is completely controllable via browser or from SDK or JSON software interface.
Through the decoder configuration and management interface, users can create layouts to display streams on monitors and select video streams to enter in the monitor layouts.
The digital video data are received using secure communication services.
The operating system and Aivu-Client D are stored on an encrypted flash disk to eliminate the use of moving mechanical parts (disks) whose failure could affect the operation of the entire system.
The application is based on a Aitek’s own 64bit Embedded Linux operating system to provide greater fault tolerance.
Displayed images can be managed by AiVu-Client D as a single video stream, that is, a “virtual” camera whose video can also be recorded to verify what was displayed on the monitor and reconstruct events.
AiVu-Client D is also operational as an application installed on workstations running Microsoft Windows.